Tuesday, May 24, 2011

A little play time.

Well since I've had my surgery and can't get much sewing done.
My son and family baught me this wonderful hammock to sit/lay in
and read or take a nap.
 It is fun and the soft canvas-like material is easy on my sore arm.
I still have to wear my imobilizer for 3 more weeks and it is
 easy to get on and off this thing even with only one arm.

Autumn & I  enjoying  the afternoon.

Heather & Autumn

My Daughter Heather &I


  1. That hammock is a real beauty, Glor. I read your previous post too, that little cutter sounds great, and I lurv you mocha FQ's. :)

  2. Very comfy looking Gloria, and nice sunny weather too

  3. The hammock almost makes your recuperation worthwhile Gloria!
